The modern tools of instant communication provided by Social Networks can be used to attack your corporation using AI.

As a leading law firm in the field, our insurance experts constantly advise some of the largest and most important global reinsurance companies. Our teams carefully examine new disruptive insurance products

It goes without saying that large investments sometimes go sour. Peru allows for all contracts to provide for arbitration, whether national or before ICSID, UNCITRAL, the ICC

The worldwide COVID 19 Pandemic, in addition to normal corporate activity, has caused many dismissals, salary reductions, and bankruptcies that otherwise would not have occurred.

Laws and regulations in many fields, such as AI, engineering, robotics, digital signatures, virtual major transactions, and similar fields regulated in the past lag

It is no secret to the best world economists, that recovery from the economic damage caused by COVID 19 will require most likely a universal recipe: Aggressive collection

Long quarantines, stay-home-orders, and similar confining measures derived from the global COVID 19 Pandemic have caused many legal problems in families

From setting up an SPV, incorporating through a shelf company, establishing a new Inc., LLC, or branch, we are ready to act immediately

For a free consultation, call us +51 949 704 401

“In a global era, we walk hand in hand with ethics and digital transformation for the legal profession” – Victor Marroquin Merino