Mental Health and Family Law

Mental Health and Family Law

Mental Health and Family Law

Long quarantines, stay-home-orders, and similar confining measures derived from the global COVID 19 Pandemic have caused many legal problems in families otherwise normal.  Some have become dysfunctional, others codependent, and divorce numbers have increased considerably.  Our family law and psychology interdisciplinary team aims ant advising families to solve their differences.  In cases where this is not possible.  Our family lawyers are ready to litigate in a compassionate but forceful manners to defend the rights of our clients. This is especially the case of couples married and living in different countries who seek custody of their children, or couples married under the laws of other countries under special circumstances.

For a free consultation, call us +51 949 704 401

“In a global era, we walk hand in hand with ethics and digital transformation for the legal profession” – Victor Marroquin Merino